Monday, 1 June 2015

The Western Lowland Gorilla

The western lowland gorilla(Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla) is listed as being critically endangered.  These animals are found in central Africa countries in lowland tropical forests.

The threats for gorillas is increasing.   People are hunting them down for food, body parts are used in medicine, and magical charms. Also the logging (wood/trees) are getting cut down for palm oil for ingredients and household products.

Ebola has already killed about one-third of the wild gorilla population, and is spreading around the western coast. But mainly western lowland gorillas.  Evidence suggests that the virus may still be moving through the Congo basin placing a large gorilla population at risk.


The western lowland gorilla is smaller and lighter than other western gorilla.  They have short hair, wide skull, and females are have the size of silver-backs.  They also have a brownish, grey coat with a red chest.  The males have a white patch on their thighs.  Also, they have a more blackish darker colored skin.  

The type of food that herbivore gorillas eat is pith, shoots, and leaves.  Also over 100 fruit species have been recorded in their diet.  But in dry seasons they prefer to eat more bark, rotten wood, balic, termites, and ants.  Their diets change through seasons.

The total is thought to number up to 10,000 individuals in the tropical central Africa.  The western lowland gorilla is the most widespread and numerous of the gorilla subspecies.

Did you know female Western Gorillas do not start reproducing until they are around 9 years old.  They generally have one offspring every 5 years.

We need to work on stopping the threats that are interrupting their life cycle.

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